GitHub Pull Requests Board Plugin
Published on November 27th, 2023
The GitHub Pull Requests Board Plugin shows an overview of a Group’s open pull requests.
It will show PRs in any repositories connected to entities in Roadie Backstage that are owned by the Group.
This page explains how to configure it in Roadie Backstage.
- You must be an admin in Roadie. By default, all users are admins. Learn how to designate certain users as admins here.
- You must have the Roadie GitHub app installed in your GitHub organisation.
- You must have Groups in the catalog with owned entities connected to them.
Step 1: Add the Plugin to the Group view in Roadie
The plugin provides an UI component with a name EntityTeamPullRequestsCard
which can be added as a tab into your Roadie Groups. Learn how to do that in here.